Early Summer Tailing Redfish(5/22/2017)-The waterways around Charleston, South Carolina are full of life this time of year and there are abundant feeding opportunities for redfish right now. The new moon and full moon tide cycles cause larger tides that flood areas of the marsh that aren't usually accessible to the fish which providing fresh feeding grounds. While fish are feeding in these areas you are provided a window in which they are feeding in a very specific area Continue Reading
Low Tide Redfish(5/15/2017)-With summer quickly approaching and water temperatures continuing to rise, the redfish activity is starting to really heat up. However, not all tides and times of the day are created equal so let me give you a few hints on targeting redfish this time of the year. Being in coastal tidal zones has some major advantages that other water systems do not often experience; taking advantage of these tides and leveraging their benefits will help make Continue Reading
Topwater Fishing(5/8/2017)-Topwater fishing starts picking up when the water warms up in the spring and the baitfish have arrived. It's important to have both of these factors because you want the fish to be aggressive enough, and you need the baitfish in the area for the fish to be keyed in on this type of feeding pattern. The best times for throwing topwater plugs are during lower light conditions such as sunrise, sunset or even overcast Continue Reading
Spring Flounder Fishing(5/3/2017)-Water temperatures are rising and the bait has been coming in. With this, the flounder have begun their migration inland from the offshore breeding areas. The magic number for the water temperature is around the 70 degree mark; this is when the number of food sources increases further increasing the inshore activity anglers can expect. Flounders will be moving up the rivers and waterways into the creeks where you should expect to see them on Continue Reading
Spring Trout Bite(5/1/2017)-Coming out of winter and needing to feed in preparation for the upcoming spawn, trout can be caught in good numbers now before water temperature increases too much. In Charleston, this time of year brings quite a lot of wind and the water can be choppy, so expect some light sea spray as you are boating to the fishing location. The good news is that some of the best wind-protected areas are also great for trout Continue Reading
Spring is Almost Here(2/10/2017)-The time of cold short days, hoping for the next good weather window to get your fishing fix, is in the final stretch. Well, at least for some parts of the country. Spring came early this year. Once again we have been blessed with a mild warm winter in Charleston. Unlike last year that saw a continuation of Fall the left water temperatures near 70 degrees to January 1st and then got colder. This year Continue Reading
Choosing the Right Fishing Rod 101(1/19/2017)-When it comes time to pick out a rod it can be down right bewildering. They come in all different sizes, strengths, style, and colors! How do you know which one is the right one for you? The right rod will not automatically make you a better angler but the wrong rod will limit any angler's ability to catch fish. You should consider your rod as a tool, and as many of us have found out when trying to fix something, having Continue Reading
Cold Water Redfish(12/15/2016)-The cold can have a big impact on your interest in going outside resulting in much less fishing. Now imagine being a fish redfish or trout! Your body is the same temperature as the water you are in, there is very little food to eat, and you have to worry about getting eaten yourself. This is something anglers need to remember when targeting winter-time fish. This doesn't mean you shouldn't go fishing though. The colder weather for Continue Reading